The Young Futures Support Service provides accommodation and support for young people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
The CHS Young Futures Support Service works with other providers of young peoples’ supported accommodation in Cambridge which form the Young Futures Partnership (YFP) and includes Riverside, Richmond Fellowship, Orwell and YMCA Trinity.
All referrals for supported accommodation for young people will come to the Young Futures Partnership, who will complete a trauma-informed assessment, and work with the referred young person to find the most suitable accommodation for them.
If you are a regular referring agency, please log into In-Form and refer the young person via the Young Futures Partnership (youth accommodation)
If you are a one-time referring agency, then please get in touch and we will arrange a referral/assessment
If a young person wants to refer themselves, please contact Centre 33 or Cambridge City Council who can make a referral on their behalf.