The CHS support fund, When It’s Needed (WIN), provides individual and often emergency support to the young people living in our supported housing services.
Those living in our supported housing services are either homeless or at risk of homelessness and are often estranged from their families. We want all the young people living in our services to flourish and so at WIN, we source or pay for all those essentials needed to give our young people the same opportunities as their peers including:
Clothing (many of the young people arriving at our services have very little); toiletries; prescription charges; birth certificate so our young people can apply for benefits; travel expenses so they can continue to travel to college or work; eye tests and glasses; interview clothes; mobile phone and sim card; clothes or equipment needed for work; course registration fees so our young people can continue their education; gym membership to aid physical and mental health; medical equipment and vitamins for diagnosed deficiency; recovery aid items for a young person who was badly beaten up.
Where possible we reach out to our network of supporters, which includes individuals, community groups and corporate partners, in the local Cambridgeshire community to help us source and deliver the individual support needed and where this can’t be donated, we use the financial donations we receive to pay for the help needed.
If you would like to find out more about how to get involved please email or