Rents and charges Rented homes
If you rent your home, the basic weekly rent is set using guidelines set by government policy. This also determines the rate at which your rent can change each April. Your tenancy agreement sets out the rent at the beginning of your tenancy, and the rules for changing it each year.
Service Charges
Depending on where you live you may be charged for communal services. This may include communal gardening, window cleaning, heating, lighting and furnishings or equipment in communal sitting rooms. Where service charges apply we provide a schedule each year showing each charge. Charges are calculated based on costs likely to occur during the year and are set every April. Most service charges are covered by housing benefit, except for personal heating and water.
We aim to provide services that you need because you are paying for them. When we propose to alter services we will consult you. If you think the service level should change, let us know and we can consult all your neighbours who would be affected. If you have questions or comments about your communal services please contact your Housing Officer.
Water and Sewerage Charges
Many residents receive their own water bill, payable directly to the water company. Where facilities are shared (eg in a block of flats) one water meter may be shared by everyone – in which case CHS includes a weekly charge in the service charge. The charge is based on actual cost, so reducing water use means lower charges. Housing Benefit or Universal Credit does not cover water charges. However, if you have three or more children, receive certain welfare benefits and have a water meter installed, the “Watercare tariff” will reduce costs. The water company can arrange it for you: Cambridge Water PLC – 01223 403000 Anglian Water PLC – 0800 919155