We are delighted to announce that the Regulator for Social Housing (RSH) in the UK has upgraded its rating of CHS Group.
The RSH assesses housing association providers every three to five years and rates organisations on governance (G) and financial viability (V) and undertakes annual stability checks. The regulatory judgement, published on 17 January 2024, has regraded CHS Group’s financial viability from V2 to V1, which means that the organisation meets the regulator’s viability requirements and has the financial capacity to deal with a wide range of adverse scenarios. The judgement also confirms CHS Group’s existing G1 grade for governance.
Stephen Hills, Chief Executive of CHS Group, said: “We understand that it is rare for the RSH to upgrade providers, so we’re thrilled to be rated with the highest grading in both governance and financial viability, in recognition of our well-governed and financially stable organisation, particularly in the context of the cost of living crisis and economic uncertainty.

Stephen Hills CHS Group Chief Executive
“The Regulator positively comments on our commitment to the community in which we operate, from our support services to extra care provision. We are governed by a Board, drawn from the local community, which sets our direction and monitors progress towards our goals. Our recent strategy, to focus our efforts on the core offering of social housing and services for people in need in our community, has largely influenced the high financial viability rating.”