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Advice and Support

CHS is about creating better opportunities in life for our customers and we try to do this by providing high quality, good value services with easy access to advice and support.  

We offer support and advice to our own customers as well as the wider Cambridgeshire community.  Although there are eligibility criteria for all these services, we will try to connect you with a relevant service if you do not meet these.

If you would like to talk to us about how you think our organisations might work together please contact us


Partnership for success

Our experience is that the best quality services, outcomes, and lasting benefit is created in collaboration with customers, service users and other stakeholders. By harnessing their capacity, knowledge and creativity, we are able to achieve more by working together effectively.

To do this, we co-ordinate the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Financial Capability Forum which brings together local government, and the local voluntary and community sectors to enable us all to better understand the impact of national policy changes and work together to try to join services up at a local level. If you would like to find out more about this please contact

We facilitate the Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Charities Network and the Fenland Charities Network meetings bringing together local groups and stakeholders to support and learn from each other and to maximise the contribution of local community and voluntary sector organisations. 

We are an active member of the GET Group, which also brings together organisations to better support people into education, training or employment.

We also work with stakeholders to bring in resources to the local area by collaborating on joint projects. As a legacy of being partners in Making Money Count and the New Horizons projects we facilitate the Making Money Count  website, which offers everyday help with money to people living in Cambridgeshire.

If you would like to talk to us about how you think our organisations might work together please contact us

Click below if you are in need of advice and support

Money Matters

We understand that money can be an emotional subject and trying to manage it can be worrying.
We also understand that everybody’s situation is different which is why we try to make sure the same Money Matters Advisor sees you each time.

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Help in a Crisis

A crisis can occur for lots of different reasons – benefit delays, losing a job, an unexpected bill or gradually things getting more difficult until no longer you feel you can cope. If you don’t have enough money to feed, clothe or keep warm there is help available. There is no need to struggle alone.

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Do you need our help?

A crisis can happen for all sorts of reasons – it could financial, struggling with benefit delays, feeling unsafe in your home because of a partner or ex-partner, or struggling to cope generally.

CHS may be able to help, or point you in the right direction for the support you need. There is no need to struggle alone.

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